
Design concept for a new mobile app InstaPay which enables users to instantly transfer money from their own bank account using their smartphone to anyone in their contact book (or anyone with a mobile phone number)

Client: ECIT
Date: 2023

The idea is that a user has linked their mobile phone with their bank account and this way there is no need to know any bank details of the recipient. A successful transfer makes the money available directly in the recipient’s bank account ready for use.

To create an easy-to-use interface providing a clear and concise overview from the sender’s perspective of related views on how much money is sent, a confirmation of the transfer and an acknowledgement of when the transfer has been successful.

1.I created 2 versions of a startscreen

Clear icon, not too much fuss

Currency dollar icon – everybody knows a dollar sign (assumption)
even though this was not part of the assignment, I included it for an overall concept entrance


2. Standard iphone Touch ID screen for mobile layout

Touch input is a great way to help users perform actions/accomplish tasks (when time is in minus)

And you dont want an eccessive login process


3. First screen the users sees is “home” (but since that is not part of the task) we jump straight to second icon in bottom navigation when =

<“send” is selected, user is able to make an new transfer by clicking the only CTA button on screen

There is also a 3rd icon for help/customer support

4. When CTA (+NEW) button is selected user is presented a slide-in overlay

the overlay function is: displays light boxes that appears on top of main content in the app==> with a ==>

search filter/bar (lup icon) component:
-included so the user can search either by contact name or phone number

=> input field empty state with search suggestions (contact or number)

5. when contact or phone number is selected – user is presented with a simple screen with 3 buttons:

SEND (Primary CTA)
CANDEL (secondary CTA)

Once button is selected user is directed to “amount input stage/screen”

the input stage nudges/indicates that the user must enter amount in order to proceed = inactive CTA button (send)


6. amount
action  send


5 DKK        DKKV

Input field filled state activates option CTA “SEND” button ==> when pressed user is presented with a “transfer review” overlay

User can either CANCEL or CORNFIRM

Once confirmed user recieves a slide down recepit (the sliding motion is a great replica of a physical receipt that comes out of a machine)

V check icon (could also be a micro animation)